Thursday, August 27, 2009

Massachusetts August 2009

Make way for ducklings bronze statues in Boston. We bought the book, posed with the ducks and bought the t-shirt!

4 y.o. with the Auntie A

On the tractor with Uncle B

Me and my oldest brother

My husband on the T-boat from the Boston aquarium to the U.S.S. Constitution.

Us at the Boston aquarium. (I'm posing kind of funny because I was trying to keep the 4 y.o. from falling off the ledge!)

Eating at Quincy market in Boston.

Oldest brother, niece, Memere, nephews, kids.

We had a great trip to Boston August 12-18th. We went to the graduation party of one of my nephews, visited Boston with one of my sisters, and my husband was able to meet most of my family for the first time. There were several things I wanted to do, but we didn't have time - like visit several friends I haven't seen in years and visit the Calvin Coolidge historical museum in Vermont. Perhaps next year when I go back for one of my nieces weddings!
The day after getting home, 17 y.o. started public school. I've home schooled him for the last three years, but felt it was best at this point for him to go back to public school. New teacher, new curriculum, etc. He is a junior.

We hoped to come home to finish the first cutting of hay. However, between the day before we got home and the day after we got home we had 5.5 inches of rain! We did finally finish the first cutting this week.

I did get some more story ideas while I was in Boston. I also worked on an article since I've been home. I hope to submit it to my instructor (Institute of Children's Literature) today.

This is the verse I am trying to instill in my 17 y.o. so he has a strong work ethic: Colossians 3:23-24 "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."

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